Advertise With Us
Make a Splash!
Website Banner Hotlink Ad - $100 per year. The banner ads will be rotated so a new banner loads each time the website is visited. The banner ad will link to your website. Size will be approximately 6.5" x .83" or 465 pixels x 60 pixels.
Members Website Hotlink Ad - $20 per year. These will be placed on our "Member's Hotlinks" page. The ad will be linked to your website. Size will be approximately 2" x 2" or 144 pixels x 144 pixels.
Non-Members Website Hotlink Ad - $30 per year. These will be placed on our "Member's Hotlinks" page. The ad will be linked to your website. Size will be approximately 2" x 2" or 144 pixels x 144 pixels.
This is the size your banner ad will be.
What the heck is a "creel" anyway?

This is a creel.
But better yet, it is also the WAA's newsletter that goes out to all of its
members four times a year.
The Creel reaches many potential customers four times per year. If your business involves fish or the selling of any aquaculture related product, equipment, feed, or services, advertising in The Creel can be a great benefit to your business.
The Creel is published on the first of the month in February, May, August, and November. You must get your ad to us one week prior to the publishing date for inclusion in that month's issue.
1/8 page: $30.00
1/4 page: $40.00
1/2 page: $50.00
Full page: $100.00